Drag Lure Pulleys

In addition to our Drag Lures and Racing Traps we also sell auxiliary equipment for racing, such as our return pulley for lure coursing.

Deep Lure Pulley

Prices start from £35.00

Ideal for setting bends and continuous loop lure setup

Greyhound Track Hare pulley roller

Prices start from £55.00

Heavy duty made from solid steel complete with rail fixing pin

Drag Lure Return Pulley

Prices start from £26.00

Comes with string and line guide

Deluxe Drag Lure Return Pulley

Prices start from £65.00

Drag Lure Pulley

Prices start from £15.00

This Drag Lure Pulley is used for setting a course up with turns or bends and also ideal for our continuous Drag Lure machine

A new improved heavy duty all metal pulley to replace our white nylon bobbin type. The free spinning bearing gives you an easy track set up with no fear of cutting or burning through nylon pulleys.